Tuesday 7 June 2011

Philosophy and Logical Syntax

Philosophy and Logical Syntax
Rudolf Carnap
1999. cyrillic, paper back, p. 84, 17 cm

A logical syntax of language should be understood as formal theory of that language, or as an investigation concerned not with concepts of sense and meaning, but directed only to the kind of words and order in which they follow one another. Connection between logical analysis and philosophy author finds necessary for understanding of knowledge pretending to reach something which is over or beyond the experience. This knowledge can be obtained by the pure thinking or the pure intuition (knowledge that can be recognized in metaphysics, ethics and aesthetic). According to Carnap, logical analysis can be used as a special method of philosophy needful for explaining a meaningful concepts and expressions, and in that sense it may be taken as a logical foundation for the empirical sciences.

1 comment:

  1. Rudolf Carnap quotes:

    "There is a continuum which starts with direct sensory observations and proceeds to enormously complex, indirect methods of observation."

    “If one is interested in the relations between fields which, according to customary academic divisions, belong to different departments, then he will not be welcomed as a builder of bridges, as he might have expected, but will rather be regarded by both sides as an outsider and troublesome intruder.”

    "In science there are no 'depths'; there is surface everywhere."

    "Logic is the last scientific ingredient of Philosophy; its extraction leaves behind only a confusion of non-scientific, pseudo problems."
